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Yalgoo Primary School

28 November 2012

Work with the school’s Principal and staff, in a long-term association, perhaps over the period of twelve months, to identify those basic key understandings the students already possess in the Mathematics learning area, along with identifying the difficulties they experience which currently hinder their further progress.  Then develop a plan for implementing strategies to address and overcome these difficulties.

The general outcomes of this proposal for Yalgoo Primary School would be:

1.      for teachers and education assistants to have an improved awareness of the structure, content and intent of the new Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

2.      a whole school plan for the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

3.      a whole school plan aimed at improving the students’ numeracy development

4.      identified strategies to improve the students’ basic numeracy skills and Mathematical fluency and understanding.

5.     the provision of on-going support for the staff and students of the school in the area of Mathematics.

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